The Reason Mâche Needs To Be Washed Thoroughly Before Use

We're of the belief that if you hate salads, you just haven't experienced a salad made correctly. Plagued by a reputation of being bland and boring, salads have been pushed to the side of our dinner plates for years. However, there are many easy ways to upgrade your salads that will have you making them again and again — and not just when you're on a health kick.

While often seen as a side dish, salads can make fantastic main courses if the right amount of protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds are added in — and don't forget tasty dressings and vinaigrettes that elevate the dish even more. However, one often overlooked way to keep your salads interesting is to include a variety of lettuce types in each bowl you create. Starting now, your days of sad iceberg-only salads are behind you. From arugula to cress to butter crunch, there's plenty lettuce varieties to shake up with your favorite toppings. But, today, we're here to introduce you to mâche.

If you haven't heard of mâche, you may know it by the name field salad, lamb's lettuce, or corn salad instead (per Epicurious). This "gourmet green" has a nutty, earthy flavor that is definitely worth trying out in your next salad, according to The University of California. However, it does need to be handled with extra care, especially when it comes to washing.

Dirt can easily get trapped

According to Epicurious, this lettuce variety, while worth it, is on the more expensive side. So, it is best for the more money conscious to reserve salads made with mâche for more special occasions. However, if you are splurging on this mild yet flavorful lettuce, then make sure you know how to handle it.

As Epicurious notes, mâche's leaves are considered fragile, and they can bruise rather easily, so make sure to be gentle when handling it. That includes when you wash it, since it's extra important to do so thoroughly. Since this lettuce variety is often sold with the soil still attached, it will need to be washed more than other lettuces. According to The Spruce Eats, lots of sand and dirt gathers in "the nub of roots holding each rosette together." Make sure to not just quickly rinse it off, but run the water over it a few times to allow it to get it fully cleaned off. You don't want any tiny, gravel-like pieces ending up in your expensive salad.

Once you have clean leaves, you can splash some vinaigrette over the lettuce, along with any of your other favorite toppings, and enjoy.