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Paul Hollywood Prefers Oil Over Flour For Rolling Dough. Here's Why

Paul Hollywood became a household name in the United Kingdom after joining "The Great British Bake Off" as a judge in 2010. Known for being a tough man to impress, Hollywood rarely gives contestants his highly sought-after handshakes and always has constructive criticism to hand out. But Hollywood has done more with his career than watch fellow bakers bungle recipes and construct pastry masterpieces; As PBS explains, Hollywood established himself well before the series began airing.

Hollywood's father was a baker, but he followed a calling away from the kitchen as a sculptor for some time before being drawn back into the fold. With his culinary background and talent as a sculptor, Hollywood combined his skills to become a master baker, eventually publishing the book "100 Great Breads" in 2004. 

Hollywood is one of the foremost authorities on cooking and has plenty of bread-related tips and tricks, one of which is perfect for those who've dealt with the issue of sticky bread dough.

Use oil instead of flour when kneading

If you bake, whether you like to whip up pizza from scratch or try your hand at French bread, you've definitely had an issue with dough sticking to your countertops or rolling pin. It is a universal experience in the kitchen: You go to make cinnamon rolls or pie crust and when you try to peel it from the floured table top, you find that somehow it has still managed to stick. 

America's Test Kitchen says a lot of recipes tell you to use flour to duct your surface area before rolling or kneading your bread. But not only can the dough take on much of this excess flour, drying it out, but a lot of times it doesn't help with the issue of sticking. So, instead of using flour, try using vegetable oil. Paul Hollywood claims that using oil while kneading bread or rolling it out on the countertop will not negatively affect the dough and will keep the bread from sticking too badly on your hands or the table.

BBC also says you can use olive oil for this technique. You must lightly coat the space you'll be working the dough on as well as any tools you will be using. If you are kneading, fold the edges of the dough into the center until the dough is covered in a light layer of oil, then get to work. Kneading quickly will help to keep the dough from sticking to your fingers, as well.