The Ideal Water To Coffee Ratio For Turkish Coffee

For those chronic coffee drinkers out there, you likely have a tried-and-true method you use to brew your coffee each morning. Whether you sleepily drop a K-cup into your handy Keurig, grind your beans for your French press, or are an instant coffee fan, we all have a favorite way of getting hot coffee into our morning mugs.

While the modern age provides this endless list of brewing methods, Turkish coffee is internationally famous for being the world's first method for brewing coffee. According to Espresso Lab, Turkish coffee first originated in the Ottoman Empire in the mid-16th century and quickly spread West, solidifying an important place in European coffee culture.

This coffee is known for its thick, strong, and foamy quality. While making this aromatic brew is not overly difficult, it does take practice to perfect it. Obtaining certain features, like the signature foam on top, takes a few attempts at brewing to achieve (via The Spruce Eats). And knowing the correct ratios of water to coffee is also essential, as it does not follow the typical proportions.

Turkish coffee calls for a more concentrated ratio

It is no secret that Turkish coffee is boldly flavored, and it comes down to the coffee-to-water ratio used. According to Java Presse, most coffee recipes call for a single gram of coffee for every 16 milliliters of water for a well-balanced taste. However, when it comes to this strong brew, it's much more concentrated. The site notes most Turkish coffees use a 1:9 ratio instead, making it much more caffeinated than your average cup of joe.

As The Spruce Eats notes, Turkish coffee is brewed in a copper pot called a cezve and served in espresso-sized cups. It is made with very fine-powdered coffee grounds that are incorporated into the beverage, rather than being filtered through and thrown away after. 

It's also never mixed or stirred, even if milk or sugar is added — these additions are put into the coffee pot to brew together instead of the cup. These steps yield a unique variety of coffee that feels similar to an espresso experience, strong and served in small amounts. However, it's still not as potent as an espresso, as it usually follows a 1:2 ratio, per Prima Coffee.

So, if you'd like to start your day off with a little bit more of a caffeine boost, try making Turkish coffee at home. You may not return to your trusty coffee maker after starting your mornings with this centuries-old brewing method.