The Quick And Crispy Snack You Can Make With Leftover Pie Dough

Making homemade pie crust dough is always a worthwhile process. Whatever the filling, be it a warm spicy apple or a silky banana cream, great homemade pie crusts are orders of magnitude better than store-bought. Flaky, crispy, and flavorful, they quite literally tie the entire package together, and if someone is asking why your pie is so much better than what they normally have, the crust is usually the answer.

Pie crust dough, homemade or not, can also be annoying to work with. It's critical not to let it get overworked or heat up too much, as melting butter can destroy the flaky, tender layers you want. It also takes some work to shape, and even the most careful bakers will have some random scraps left over after rolling the dough out and crimping it in the pan. Extra dough is more of an opportunity than a problem, though, as it can be made into smaller treats like turnovers or sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar for pie crust cookies. Southern Living notes that there is also a savory application that may not seem as obvious but is just as delicious.

Make leftover pie crust into crackers

Pie crust crackers are one of those simple ideas that makes you wonder why you didn't already think of it, and as a tasty homemade snack, they could not be easier. Southern Living says you just need to bring your dough to room temperature, roll it to your desired thickness, and cut it into 1-inch squares. Then, brush the tops with oil, top with whatever your heart desires, and bake until lightly brown. As usual, the homemade dough will probably be nicer, but this will still be a treat with a store-bought one.

Need some topping suggestions? Food & Wine recommends salty cheese like Parmigiano Reggiano and whatever dried herbs you have on hand. You could also go simple with some poppy seeds and salt. Anything you love on a store-bought cracker will work here, but don't let that limit you either, as basically any savory blend of herbs and spices that sounds good to you will work with this buttery, crispy base. Crackers are super versatile, whether as a soup topping or a part of a charcuterie board, so you have no reason to fret when it comes to making them; whatever you end up with is bound to be delicious.