Can You Heat Up Overnight Oats?

Oats are one of the oldest cultivated grains in the world, according to KRCU, with their origins dating back to 2000 BC when they were farmed by ancient Egyptians. Once this grain became popular with the Romans, it even traveled with its famed legions North to Scotland where it was cooked into a warm porridge that helped fight the damp chill of winter.

For the most part, this warm and toasty version of oatmeal is the most common. And as different types of oats were developed in recent centuries, it even became quicker and easier to enjoy a steaming hot bowl of oatmeal. That is, until overnight oats became a hot — er, we mean cold — new breakfast staple.

According to the Oatmeal Blog, interest in this form of oatmeal has risen sharply in the last few years and seems destined to keep rising. As My Longevity Kitchen points out, one reason for this is due to the ease of use that comes from making overnight oats, but also its nutritional benefits over traditional oatmeal. Sitting overnight allows more phytic acid to break down, which makes digestion easier on the stomach, and increases nutrient absorption.

While that's all great, a chilled bowl of oatmeal might not scratch the same itch on a cold morning as a classic porridge. So, can you heat overnight oats without ruining them?

Enjoy warm overnight oats anytime

Even the most die-hard overnight oats fan has probably wished to have a warm, satisfying bowl of classic oatmeal from time to time. Thankfully, there's no reason you can't have your cake and eat it too.

According to Simply Oatmeal, there's no reason you can't warm your overnight oats. Simply portion them out, and give them a quick reheat in either a microwave or on the stove top. It's worth noting though that if you're doing it on the stovetop you'll need to add more liquid to your oats. Otherwise, things will likely get a little bit messy.

As Bob's Red Mill points out though, one of the most crucial benefits of overnight oats is their speedy preparation. Adding the slow work of waiting for your oats to heat on the stove seems counterintuitive to that, but, luckily, that's what microwaves are for. Just be sure to stir them briefly to help your oats heat evenly. This won't mess with your ability to customize them either and can even improve recipes that include warm ingredients like apples and cinnamon.