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Tuna Jerky Packs An Eco-Friendly Protein Punch

There's nothing fishy about marine protein. Ranked among eggs, chicken breast, and cottage cheese as one of the best sources of protein out there, fish is also high in vitamin B12, iodine, and selenium, according to Healthline. Of course, fish is also famously known for its omega-3 fatty acids, which the Washington State Department of Health says can lower the risk of heart attacks, depression, and arthritis, among other health issues. Are you hooked yet?

If you want to dip your toe into the nutritional benefits of fish, there are various ways to eat it. Verywell Fit recommends baking, grilling, poaching, and more to make delectable fish dishes. But that's not all — if fresh fish isn't your thing, it can also be eaten pickled, canned, or coated in batter and fried. There are plenty of pickled fish you should know about, a variety of canned fish brands, and a plethora of batters for your fried fish. Marine protein has even made its way into the recent collagen trend, and popular brand Vital Proteins sells collagen peptide powder made from wild-caught cod.

A particularly eco-friendly way to eat fish comes in a snack form that you can even bring with you on the go. Don't worry, we're not suggesting stuffing a slippery dead fish into your backpack; this protein-packed treat is (mostly) mess and smell-free.

Jerky that's nice to the environment

What snack is yummy, healthy, and eco-friendly all at once? We're talking about tuna jerky, which is made from fresh tuna that's dehydrated to remove the moisture, thereby creating a flavorful and nutrient-dense snack, according to Livestrong. For skeptical beef lovers, let's just get this out of the way — many people find tuna jerky to be delicious. One Amazon review of Kaimana Ahi Tuna Jerky proclaims, "The only problem I have with this product is I keep running out and I can't decide on which flavor is best. They are all delicious!"

Luckily for pescatarians and omnivores alike, tuna jerky gives you the same nutritional benefits you would get from eating fresh fish. One bag of Kaimana Ahi Tuna Jerky contains a whopping 18 grams of protein, according to their Amazon page, similar to the 19.9 grams of protein in a cup of Greek yogurt (via Healthline).

However, when you're eating tuna jerky instead of beef jerky, you may also be inadvertently helping the environment. Registered dietitian Kristy del Coro told Livestrong, "Generally, seafood has a significantly smaller environmental impact compared with livestock." One of the reasons for this, reports Sustainable Fisheries, is that wild-caught fish have a smaller carbon footprint than meat, and a lower impact on freshwater and wildlife.

If the thought of eating dried seafood makes you squirm, don't knock it until you try it. Protein-packed and environmentally friendly, tuna jerky just may become your new favorite salty snack.