The Uncomplicated Trick For Cleaning Burnt Bits From Your Dutch Oven

A Dutch oven is the queen of versatility when it comes to cooking equipment. As Food Network explains, these cast iron pots with their enamel coating can cook a large variety of dishes. What makes a Dutch oven a Dutch oven is largely related to its weight. Food Network notes one of its most important characteristics is that it is "heavy" so it can maintain a consistent temperature while its fits-like-a-glove lid serves to trap the heat inside, along with the moisture. Dutch ovens are great for braising, searing, and even making bread. 

But like any other pot you cook in, you are bound to wind up with some burnt-on, stuck-on food from time to time. And naturally, when it comes time to clean it, you want to be careful with this prized pot in order to prevent scratches on your cast iron. As Oven Spot explains, Dutch ovens are kind of pricy and can set you back as much as $300. However, there's no reason to stress. In fact, Epicurious reveals there is also no need to invest in lots of cleaners and cleaning tools to get rid of the char from your evening's dinner. In fact, the trick to removing those burnt-on food remnants is as straightforward and uncomplicated as cleaning tricks can be.

Boiling water and a wooden spoon

According to a TikTok video, the easiest way to clean a Dutch oven that has burnt bits at the bottom of it is to fill it halfway with tap water and bring that water to a boil on the stove. No need for the lid, but once the water starts boiling, you want to allow it to do so for about three minutes. The video's narrator explains you can then turn off the burner and start scraping the sides and bottom with a wooden spoon or spatula. Next, you want to pour out the water and allow the pot to sit briefly. 

The TikToker notes the burnt pieces that remain will start to "flake off," and then you can wash it with some hot soapy water. This cleaning trick video has earned over 51,500 likes and Dutch oven maker Le Creuset's approval; the company commented, "The best cleaning tip!" 

Epicurious suggests a similar trick but adds a scoop of baking soda to your boiling water to help remove that burnt-on "gunk." Additionally, if you find that some burnt-on food remnants don't want to budge, the food site suggests making a paste of water and baking soda to cover the bottom of the pot. Leave it overnight and then take out your magical wooden spoon to scrape it until the char is no more.