Duff Goldman Isn't A Big Fan Of Trader Joe's - Here's Why - Exclusive

We've all been there – it's been a long day, the to-do list keeps growing, and the idea of making dinner amidst it all just seems daunting. In those instances, there's nothing more comforting and satisfying than turning to your favorite frozen, pre-made, or ready-to-assemble meal from the supermarket. And these days, stores like Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Aldi, Central Market, and more make it easier than ever to pick up delicious meals made with little to no effort.


But at the same time, there's something to be said for making a home-cooked meal for yourself or your family. Even if it's nothing fancy, knowing how to throw together a meal can bring a sense of calm, creativity, and accomplishment to our otherwise hectic lifestyle. No one would agree more than Duff Goldman. The chef, baker, and passionate foodie helps inspire those feelings and more at his DIY cake decorating studio, Duff's Cakemix, which has plans to expand and bring the joy of baking to as many people as possible. And in the meantime, you can still catch him on TV in his newest show, "Ace of Taste," which highlights a range of both savory and sweet cooking.

Duff Goldman told Tasting Table in an exclusive interview that he hopes to keep finding ways throughout his career to teach and inspire people to love cooking and baking at any level – and without the help of a pre-made package. With that in mind, Goldman explained why he's not the biggest fan of stores like Trader Joe's, and why he wants you to get a little more creative in the kitchen instead.


Duff Goldman doesn't want to see the art of cooking get lost

Good cooking, at its core, isn't just about skilled techniques and fancy ingredients. It's about creating something to nourish, comfort, and satisfy. And that's what's at the heart of so many chefs' work, including Duff Goldman's. He told Tasting Table he's out to instill the fundamental values of cooking, both with this current career as a chef and in his future endeavors. Goldman said the aims of his career are "not just to inspire anyone to go be professional chefs, but teaching people how to take care of themselves and cook. It's good to know."


Goldman wonders if our relationship with food and cooking is changing for the better. "I get sad sometimes in the grocery store, especially things like Aldi and Trader Joe's. ... They make me sad because everything is done," he explained. He added, "They don't sell [much] produce; they just have a little bit. But when a store doesn't sell produce, it means people are buying the Trader Joe's enchiladas." And at times, those are great. Even Goldman admits, "I love those things." But the result, he says, is people are "buying all these snacks and things that have already been done. They're frozen. You put them in the oven, you do your thing." Over time, Goldman says, "A lot of people have lost touch with how great cooking is," which is a shame because "it's wonderful to do."


Check out Duff's Cakemix before it heads to a location near you, and learn more about franchising opportunities.

