The Easy Way To Give Your Eggs A Taste Of Fall

With the passing of the autumn equinox today, it's officially fall. Given the unseasonably warm weather in many areas of the world recently, fall couldn't have come soon enough this year. Finally, it's time to look forward to crisp days with cooler temperatures, vibrant fall colors, and a chance to break out those cozy sweaters.

Fall also brings a new crop of seasonal fruits and vegetables, including apples, Brussels sprouts, eggplant, squash, and sweet potatoes. And who could forget pumpkin spice, which seems to be in just about everything these days, beyond just lattes. Although pumpkin spice doesn't actually contain any pumpkin at all (and instead is an aromatic blend of spices, including cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, and clove), it does evoke one of fall's most popular fruits — and yes, pumpkin is actually a fruit. Perhaps most popular in pie and other sweet treats, pumpkin is versatile and can be used in savory dishes as well. Pumpkin is also an easy way to give eggs the flavor of fall.

There are many ways to combine pumpkin and eggs

Loaded with fiber and nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, yet low in calories and sugar (per Healthline), pumpkins are a great addition to a number of dishes, including eggs. Joy Bauer whisks pumpkin puree into her scrambled eggs, along with some cumin, chives, salt, and pepper. You can also add roasted pumpkins as a base for your scrambled eggs, as this recipe does. Or try adding pumpkin with chives for a different way to enjoy omelettes, as per this recipe.

Pumpkins are also great additions to frittatas, which, unlike omelettes, start off on the stove top but are typically finished off in the oven. Try them with kale, onion, and goat cheese or spinach, leek, and cheddar for a tasty and nutritious treat that's perfect for breakfast, lunch, or a light dinner. You're not limited to just kale and spinach either. Any greens and spices like chives, marjoram, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, and mint work well for a pumpkin frittata. Or, make a grab-and-go version like these pumpkin veggie egg muffins. While some recipes use fresh pumpkins, canned pumpkins makes for an even easier addition — just make sure it's a can of plain pumpkin and not pumpkin pie filling.