Mario Batali Just Settled 2 Sexual Assault Lawsuits

He might have been found "not guilty" by a Boston Municipal Court judge involving one case of sexual misconduct, but in the end, some form of justice will be served as Mario Batali just reached a settlement with two women — both of whom had accused him of sexual assault. 


In a statement, the women's attorneys told Reuters, "The matters have been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties," but that they are unable to discuss the details due to what they called "confidentiality obligations."

One of the payouts was given to the accuser whose case ended in Batali's acquittal back in May. The woman claimed Batali groped her while posing for selfies at a restaurant opening in 2017. The Associated Press reported the case was a non-jury, or bench, trial — which is when the judge is the sole arbiter in a court case, per US Legal. During that trial, Judge James Stanton said the plaintiff had "credibility issues" and that even though Batali "did not cover himself in glory on the night in question," the selfies had demonstrated reasonable doubt of guilt.


Mario Batali has had to settle allegations before

This is not the first time Batali has reached an out-of-court settlement over sexual harassment allegations. Last summer, per The Washington Post, both he and business partner Joseph Bastianich were asked to pay $600,000 to more than 20 employees. The payout was the result of an investigation by the New York Attorney General's office, which said employees had suffered sexual harassment and discrimination at three of Batali and Bastianich's New York City restaurants: Babbo, Lupa, and Del Posto. The investigation found that the restaurants in general, and Batali in particular, had created an environment that allowed the harassment to take place. One former line cook described the environment, stating "the restaurant's leadership made us feel as if we were asking for it — as if it is a rite of passage to be harassed at work."


At the time, the office of the state attorney general Letitia James said "Batali and Bastianich permitted an intolerable work environment and allowed shameful behavior that is inappropriate in any setting," and highlighted that "sexual harassment is unacceptable for anyone, anywhere — no matter how powerful the perpetrator."

That same year, Batali told Eater he would step down from Batali & Bastianich Hospitality Group; ABC also asked him to leave his role as host on "The Chew." The Washington Post says Batali eventually sold the shares of his restaurant group to his partner's sister, Tanya Bastianich Manuali.

