If This Happened To Your Hummus, It's Gone Bad

Hummus seems to be one of those snacks that almost everyone loves. Whether you buy it at the grocery store or even make at home, hummus is generally considered healthy, tasty, and easy to keep on hand. But like many food items you regularly keep in the fridge, it can also be easy to forget that it's there for a little too long. That can leave you wondering if your hummus is still good to eat after a certain period.


Typically, this chickpea-based dip can last anywhere from three days to a week and a half in the fridge, according to Eat By Date. While flavored hummus can have aromas that might be very strong or sharp, there's a distinct taste and smell that will let you know when it's starting to turn bad, as Home Cook Basics reports. When the delicious dip starts to go from earthy, citrusy, or garlicky to a sharp, sour flavor or smell, then you know it is time to toss whatever hummus is left. Other factors will alert you to hummus that simply needs to meet the trash can or compost bin.

This a major sign that hummus has gone bad

Another sign that hummus is well past its prime is something rather obvious for spoiled food, but it's a factor we've got to mention. That would be mold, according to Home Cook Basics. You might see one color of mold or you might have a rainbow of hues on the hummus, but they all indicate some serious spoilage. Whatever you find growing on top of your aged hummus, it's never a good idea to eat it. Whether it is a widespread fuzzy mold or little spots of black, green, grey, or white, the solution is the same: toss it in the trash.


Mold can appear on the top of hummus for a couple of different reasons. It might spring up when hummus is not stored well, meaning that it's not at the right temperature, is overly humid, or is sealed incorrectly. To avoid this, make sure to keep your hummus in an airtight container and always use a separate vessel to serve or eat the spread. If your fingers come in contact with the hummus, the germs and bacteria on your hands could cause it to go bad more quickly than it might on its own. Take that as just another motivation for washing your hands properly and frequently.

