January 2016 T-List: New Charcuterie, Books And More
Drink more matcha, hit up Roy Choi's LocoL and other things to do this January
1Mamnoon Za'atar
Gold dust isn't just the name of a strange pro wrestler from the mid-90s. It's also what we like to call za'atar, that magical Lebanese mix of sumac, toasted sesame and lemon salt. The newly launched Marx Pantry features a pungent, deeply flavorful one from Seattle artisan Mehdi Boujrada and Mamnoon.

3'Bon Appétit: The Food Lover's Cleanse,' by Sara Dickerman
Don't punish yourself with bland foods. Instead, page through Bon Appétit's beautiful and, yes, nutritious new book, filled with 140 recipes for cleansing more deliciously.

2LocoL (Los Angeles)
L.A. chef Roy Choi has long been chronicling the journey to LocoL, his cheffy take on affordable but still delicious fast food with former Coi chef Daniel Patterson. And it's all coming to a head next week when the first Watts outpost opens.
4Sarah Gavigan, Otaku Ramen, Nashville
"In the South, the prize of winter is pulling out all your hard work from the summer: everything you've pickled. I use my canned tomatoes in soups, giving off that beautifully preserved summer flavor."
5Belcampo by Mario Batali: Traditional Salami
Meat your maker: Italian food guru Mario Batali is showcasing his recipes for classic salumi with a new line at Belcampo Meat Co. Pepperoni pizza just got better.

6Ardèche Wines
Jura: so 2015. This year is all about fruity, funky wines from France's Ardèche region, according to Ian Hood, the sommelier at NYC's DBGB. "Ardèche is like Beaujolais's weird aunt," Hood says of the little-known Mediterranean spot in the South of France. In these cold months, he loves sipping the 2012 Domaine des Accoles Le Rendez-vous, made of entirely Grenache grapes by former Burgundy producer Olivier Leriche for a musty, tannic wine with a spicy finish. Bottoms up.

7Ipiit App
Who has time to read food labels? The Ipiit app does. Simply check off your dietary restrictions (no eggs, lactose free and so on), then scan the bar codes of food products to see if they fit your eating plan. Later this month, the free app is unrolling sugar content, too. Clean eating just got easier.

8'Jarry' Magazine
Hot off the press, fellas. Jarry, the magazine that weaves food and gay culture, launched its very first issue, featuring profiles, essays and some very handsome men.
9MatchaBar Drinks
Time for a new breed of green juice. Brooklyn's MatchaBar is bottling its green tea brews, available in original, Fuji apple and ginger, and peach. Simply open, pour over ice and enjoy for a very on-trend drink of choice.