Best Food Podcast 2018, 'Forked Up'
There's always a time for Splendid Table and America's Test Kitchen, but for particularly sloggy morning commutes, you're going to want to turn to new podcast Forked Up.
It's the latest from Matt Holloway and Michelle Davis, the straight-shooting duo behind those best-selling vegan cookbooks and website Thug Kitchen, along with that infamous YouTube video filled with foulmouthed grandparents.
"Too often it seems like the food industry thinks of itself as a world apart, separate from pop culture and politics, and we wanted a platform to show how all of these things influence and inform each other. Also, we have too many dumb jokes that we can't just keep to ourselves," Holloway and Davis say.
The pair will be hosting guests including friends from the culinary world, politicians and completely random strangers for no-holds-barred conversations covering food, politics, wellness and culture—including their always-honest stance on vegan food and plant-based cooking.
The main thing you can count on is a podcast with hosts who don't take themselves too seriously. "That's when shit gets dull and tired," they joke.