Where To Get Sriracha Margarita Mix

I'm packing up from work on a dreary weekday afternoon in New York City, dreaming of basking in the sun at a buzzy outdoor bar in the trendy San Angel neighborhood of Mexico City. There's an ice-cold margarita in my hand. There are spicy tacos in my future. Everyone around me is tanned, toned and laughing.

Snap back to reality. I'm sitting at the table in my small Brooklyn apartment. Everyone around me is a cat. There are spicy tacos in my future. (ETA 45 minutes.) The ice-cold margarita I'm sipping is made with Cocktail Crate's Sriracha Margarita Craft Mixer, which comes out of Queens, my hometown, the capital of global flavor mash-ups. (Says Proud Colombian-Jew.)

Fresh-squeezed lime juice, organic agave nectar and small-batch Sriracha mixed with my favorite mescal gives me the spicy punch in the gut I need. It's no Mexico City, but it's transportive enough.

This article was originally written by Daniel Schwartz on Fathom.

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