Food You Can Bring Home From Paris

You're having the most amazing time in Paris, eating and drinking your way through the arrondissements. But why stop when you leave? The city is full of easily portable gourmet items to stash in your suitcase. Don't leave the City of Light without stocking up on the edible souvenirs below.

Devorah Lev-Tov is a contributing writer for Tasting Table who travels the globe—and traverses NYC block by block—in search of her next amazing meal. See her latest adventures on Instagram at @devoltv.

Gourmet Spices

The Epices Roellinger doesn't sell Gristedes-level salt and pepper; rather, it stocks the very best fleur de sel and piment d'Espelette, two thoroughly French pantry items that command high prices in the States. Fleur de sel ("salt flower") is the prized top layer of sea salt that's been harvested from marshes; delicate yet crunchy, it's a perfect finishing salt. Piment d'Espelette comes from the Basque region of France but is easy to find around Paris; it's fruity and piquant, and adds a complex flavor to anything from potatoes to fish to lamb.



French chocolate is unbeatable, but the transit situation gets iffy when it's warm out; heaven help those exquisite chocolate truffles in your tightly squished carry-on. A better choice: caramels. The magical little butter-and-sugar confections come individually wrapped and will hold up well on transatlantic flights. The crème de la crème come from Jacques Genin; be sure to load up on as many flavors (pistachio, mango passion fruit, ginger) as possible.



I know what you're thinking: You can't get cheese through customs. That's a common misconception. In fact, cheese and dairy products are allowed; it's meat that's the issue. Though you can buy your cheese from one of the city's many fabulous markets or shops, it might make more sense to wait until you get to the airport, so you don't have to worry about refrigerating it during your stay. The Buy Paris Duty Free shop has locations throughout the Charles de Gaulle and Orly Airports, and offers a great selection of cheeses and other gourmet items, all packed for air transport and a good excuse to expunge your wallet of those leftover euros.