Does Chocolate Milk Come From Brown Cows?
Some days, your brain needs a little extra help waking up. You struggle to spell definitely or mistakenly put tinfoil in the microwave, but life moves on. Some brain farts, however, go a little too far.
To our dismay, a recent survey of 1,000 Americans conducted by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy found that a whopping 48 percent of people don't know where chocolate milk comes from. Even worse, it found that 7 percent of those people actually think chocolate milk comes from brown cows, and we have a lot of questions.
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Yes, we'll admit 1,000 people isn't a particularly large survey size, but the fact that even 70 of those people are so misinformed about chocolate milk is cause for concern. Chocolate milk is, of course, just regular milk with chocolate syrup or powder mixed into it. Brown cows, despite their color, produce the same plain white milk that black and white cows do. So this begs the question: How do those people think brown cow-produced milk is naturally acquiring that chocolaty taste?
Refinery29 points out that certain pop culture icons, like a few old Hershey's commercials and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, do include references to brown chocolate milk cows. Still, if you're going to believe everything you've read in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, you ought to be more surprised by the general lack of inflated blueberry people bouncing around.
In all seriousness, we hope this brown cow rumor is debunked faster than a seven-year-old can finish a glass of that chocolaty goodness. Until then, can we all just agree that chocolate milk is undeniably delicious?