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Most Popular Pizza Recipe On Pinterest

It isn't what you think

Pinterest has released a list of its top pizza recipes on the site, and the most popular recipe probably isn't what you'd expect.

According to company data, Julia Child's Eggplant Pizza is the top-performing pizza recipe right now and has been pinned 350.2K times. The eggplant dish, which originally appeared in From Julia Child's Kitchen, released in 1975, shows how ahead of the trend Child was when it comes to creative pies.


Another favorite on the site? Her crepe batter (pinned 84.4K times), which are perfect for filling with both sweet and savory ingredients, like chopped strawberries and whipped cream or lobster topped with cheese, as Child demonstrates in the video below.

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Julia Child's French techniques and comforting dishes are what make her recipes so classic. Decades after her cookbooks hit shelves (the first one dating back to 1961), her legacy lives on, and thanks to the Internet, anyone can get their hands on her iconic recipes with the click of a button.

Whichever recipe you decide to make, you won't be disappointed.

