How To Go To New Zealand For Free

Silicon Valley might attract the world's best tech talent, but there's a surprising competitor trying to get in on the action: Wellington, New Zealand.

Also known as Silicon Welly for those outside the Southern Hemisphere, the capital of New Zealand is looking to fill jobs in its tech industry by enticing applicants with a sweet incentive: a week's paid visit Down Under.

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According to Afar, the program will fly 100 lucky candidates over to the South Pacific city for an entire week, where they'll have opportunities to meet with potential employers and explore everything their future home has to offer. At the end of the trip, Wellington's tech industry will extend full-time offers to top candidates to relocate to New Zealand. How's that for a vacation?

Adventurous job hunters interested in moving across the globe have until March 20 to apply for what will arguably be the coolest job interview ever.