Compost With The Zera Food Recycler

We've seen the influx of chefs in the restaurant industry get in on the massive crusade to eliminate food waste, but there's never been a better time for people to join the movement at home as well. Although composting is an easy way to cut down on food waste, it can be an unfeasible task for a variety of reasons: living in a colder climate, not having the yard space to do it (ahem, New Yorkers), etc.  

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But that could change, thanks to a new household compost machine that just hit the market. Easily mistakable for an avant-garde garbage can, the Zera Food Recycler collects food scraps throughout the week, and then uses a combination of heat, moisture and mechanical agitation to turn the waste into compost, all in an impressive 24 hours. The fully automated process can transform a week's worth of waste from an average family quietly and seamlessly into a tidy two pounds of compost. Aside from making composting a year-round possibility, Zera's self-contained process also makes it perfect for apartment dwellers.

If you're looking to jump on the food waste train, Zera will officially launch at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2017 in January alongside its Indiegogo campaign. Early backers get the discounted price of $699—a cool $500 less than the price tag that'll hit shelves.