107-Year-Old Starts Each Day With Whiskey

Never worry and treat every day like a party, he says

Mario "Pops" Rotelli recently celebrated his 107th birthday, and according to him, there are a couple of secrets to a long life: never worrying, treating every day as if it were a party and starting the day with a cup of Irish coffee. Rotelli says, "I've had a shot of whiskey in my coffee every morning for 100 years."


When it comes to which whiskey, he isn't picky, but lately, it's been Jim Beam Black, which his son-in-law bought for him.

RELATED   The Irish Jig Whiskey Cocktail "

Rotelli is rightfully proud of making it to 107, telling The Newnan Times-Herald, "I went to the doctor three times in 100 years. He's dead. I'm still living."

