Video: How To Make The Ultimate Cinnamon-Sugar Toast

To say we look fondly back on the cinnamon-sugar toast of our youth would be an understatement. The easy combo of soft white bread smothered in too-much-butter then sprinkled with a mix of sugar and cinnamon always tasted beyond the sum of its parts. The easiest way to describe its prominence in young life is that French toast is for lazy Saturday mornings, while cinnamon-sugar toast is that special treat for running-late-for-school-get-your-a$$-on-the-bus-here's-some-breakfast-NOW-GO!

Admittedly, Raquel Pelzel's best cinnamon toast from her cookbook Toast, requires a few more steps than the toast your mom lovingly shoved into your hand before booting you out the door on school days. The steps are worth it, though, and they graduate ordinary breakfast to the best cinnamon toast you'll ever eat.

It's got all the same descriptors as its predecessor (sweet, buttery, crunchy) but with the upgraded elements of unparalleled caramelization on adult-approved brioche. The easy-to-make cinnamon simple syrup soaks deeply into the bread, flavoring it all the way through to the other side. The cinnamon sugar, added as a second layer of flavor, crisps up wonderfully in the hot pan.

Move over French toast, cinnamon-sugar toast is ready for its weekend-morning debut.

Get more cinnamon toast recipes:
- Nutmeg and Vanilla Add Dimension to The Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Toast
- Cinnamon Toast with Butter and Honey
- This Cinnamon Toast Swaps Maple Syrup for Sugar