State Of The Union 2016 Dinner Menu

At 9 p.m. tonight, millions of Americans will watch President Obama deliver his final(!) State of the Union speech. With only 10 more months before he drops the mic on his two-term presidency, all eyes will be on him as he discusses the crucial issues facing our country: gun control, jobs, education and so on.

But let's talk about a key issue that he'll probably overlook: Do you have ample snacks to keep you satisfied during all that blah blah blah? Is there enough booze handy in case you want to get rowdy and shout at the TV? We have the perfect meal to help you power you through the night.

① Drink: Bourbon Slush
Just like the country's president, bourbon must be 100 percent made in the USA. While that regulation may not be ordained by the Constitution, we think that's what makes this boozed-up slushie the perfect candidate for a rousing patriotic drinking game.

RELATED   How Bourbon Became America's Drink "

② Main Course: Steamed Black Cod with Sweet Potatoes and Dried Shrimp
You could go all classic Americana with a hot dog or hamburger, but with everyone on-screen dressed in their finest, it would feel slightly out of place—even if you're watching in your pajamas. Instead, make this dish as a nod to the Hawaiian-born president.

③ Side Dish: Giardiniere Pickles
Not everyone is going to be pleased with what he has to say (bipartisan system for the win), so fuel the fire on your end of the TV with bite after bite of Italian American spicy pickles. Bonus: They come from Bruce Kalman, chef at a Pasadena restaurant called Union.