3 Easy, Stress-Free Side Dishes For Thanksgiving

Your squishy dinner rolls and platters of room-temp roasted vegetables understand. The turkey is the star of your Thanksgiving feast, and they are mere supporting characters.

However, even if you're not slaving over side dishes, you can still make something satisfying and delicious, just without the fuss. Here are three simple, straightforward recipes, in order of your Thanksgiving-related stress level.

No Stress, but I've Got Time: Smashed Potatoes
It's not Thanksgiving without a crock of creamy mashed taters. While the bird is taking its sweet time in the oven, boil then mash the potatoes in parsley- and sage-flavored milk on the stovetop, and you've got the key side done in 30 minutes.

Somewhat Stressed, but No Need to Worry: Bacon-Roasted Roots with Rosemary Honey
Pour yourself an early glass of wine and just throw into the oven any sturdy vegetables you can find—turnips, beets, carrots. To finish it off, make a quick syrup of honey, rosemary, cider vinegar and soy sauce, or, if you're feeling a time crunch, hot honey will do.

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High Stress, and No One Is Allowed in the Kitchen: Chicory Salad with Orange and Walnuts
Sound the alarms and head to the crisper. Rinse your greens—crunchy endive, frilly frisée or even plain old arugula—then toss them in a simple orange-juice-spiked vinaigrette that's easier to whip up than that much-needed old-fashioned.

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