What's For Dinner: Kale Salad, Zucchini Pasta And Pound Cake

Not feeling inspired by your usual dishes? Here's what's for dinner.

Different countries get down on May Day (that would be today, May 1) in very different ways. In Germany, potential suitors deliver ribbon-wrapped maypoles to love interests. In Great Britain, people dance around a ribbon-adorned pole and crown a May Queen. At Tasting Table, we eat kale ribbons and zucchini pappardelle—a meal that makes us want to dance around the dinner table.

① Appetizer: Kale Salad with Roasted Parsnips and Cauliflower
This isn't just another kale salad: Roasted vegetables scattered throughout thinly sliced leaves give this version serious staying power. After all, you'll need fuel for all that dancing.

RELATED   Quick vs. Slow: Cauliflower Edition "

② Main Course: Zucchini Pappardelle
If you try and wrap a maypole with zucchini ribbons, they will probably break. Keep them on your dinner plate instead, paired with matching strips of pappardelle. Fresh herbs and a bit of bright lemon juice make this a pasta dish that welcomes in the warmer weather.

③ Dessert: Candied Pineapple and Cashew-Lime Pound Cake
On May Day, Hawaiians demonstrate cultural pride and rhyming prowess by simultaneously celebrating Lei Day. We're joining in on the party with this pineapple pound cake. With its ginger, cashew, lime and candied pineapple, there's enough flavor to keep the party going all month long.