Passover Recipes: Macroons, Matzo Brei And Kreplach Soup
Not feeling inspired by your usual dishes? Here's what's for dinner.
We like Passover's style: It's eight days long, tradition says to recline while eating and participants are mandated to drink (at least) four glasses of wine during the main meal. Though the holiday doesn't technically start until Friday, it's never too early to start prepping for Pesach. Make dumplings, matzo brei and macaroons for a Passover-inspired dinner you won't want to pass over.
① Appetizer: Kreplach (Chicken Dumplings)
One-up your Jewish grandma by making soup that's just as flavorful as her slow-simmered matzo ball recipe but takes much less time. Store-made dumpling wrappers streamline the process, and the filling comes together with a spin of your blender. Though the soup is usually associated with Purim, we think it tastes just as good on Passover—and if you're keeping kosher for Passover, just wrap the dumplings in cabbage instead.
② Main Course: Spring Pea and Arugula Matzo Brei
Since leavened bread is off the table for Passover, our gluten fix is limited to boxes of cracker-like matzo. But cream cheese-and-jelly matzo sandwiches can take you only so far—which is where matzo brei comes in. The egg-soaked omelet gets fried Spanish omelet style and can be sweet or savory. This version takes on bright color and lively flavor from seasonally appropriate peas and arugula.
RELATED Two Takes on Matzo Brei, One Savory, One Sweet "
③ Dessert: Macaroon Sandwich Cookies
Macaroons are a traditional Passover dessert, as they're naturally flour free. But why have one when you can have two? With a layer of sweet jam or chocolate ganache between a pair of chewy coconut cookies, consider these the Oreos of the Passover world.