Lasers, Cocktails And A Tattooed Turkey:A Per La Mente Holiday Dinner

Michael Cirino brings together a series of multimedia interventions to turn a holiday meal into a high-tech work of collaborative art.

Here at Per La Mente, we're all about spotlighting creators. So we worked with creative culinary experience designer Michael Cirino of A Razor / A Shiny Knife — whom you may recognize from his delightful dalliance with drones — to make a whole new kind of high-tech yet harmonious holiday dinner.


Content syndicated from Per La Mente.

It was a joyful celebratory evening, a convergence of interdisciplinary creators using food as a canvas, leveraging technology, music, and art to interplay with some of the traditional food associated with the season.


From Alejandra Sacasa's laser-etched rolls and pies to Justin Bolognino's cocktail overlay app to Jessica Mascitti's terrific tattooed turkey, the meal was filled with a potluck sense of creativity: talented artists sharing their tricks, their triumphs, and of course their delicious treats. It was a delightful dinner and a warm, wonderful experience that was much more visceral than a simple meal.

Per La Mente — for the mind has been created by Fernet-Branca to expand your ideas about what's possible by being the source of discovery into the universe of creative experiences. We're endlessly curious about underground, experiential, and elusive culture, as well as the artists who make and love it. We want to share it all with you. We seek a spark of mystery, a hint of eccentricity, a dash of staggering originality, and a tinge of chaotic genius. Think of Per La Mente as the storyteller, the enabler — your conduit to the path less traveled. So open your mind and join us for some splendid adventures like the one we have brought forth here.


