White Moustache Brings Homestyle Yogurt To NY
Kids do the darndest things.
As a youngster, Homa Dashtaki was so embarrassed that her family made yogurt at home instead of buying it at the store, that she tried to hide it from friends.
Now, her family's yogurt habit is a source of pride: She and her father, Goshtasb, have just brought home-style Persian and Greek yogurt to New York with their new line, White Moustache.
All of the Dashtakis' yogurt ($5 per jar) is made with Hudson Valley Fresh whole milk and live probiotic cultures. No preservatives, stabilizers, salt or sugar, or wishy-washy low-fat milk here.
What separates the Persian and Greek styles is a big helping of old-fashioned gravity, which strains the whey from the Greek yogurt. The result: plush, mouth-smacking thickness. The Greek-style yogurt is available plain or with a thick seam of Sahadi's orange-blossom honey and walnuts.
Looser, tarter and primed to be used as a sauce, the Persian-style yogurt comes in such flavors as Moosir, flavored with the onion-like leopoldia plant.
Eat the Persian yogurt like Homa did during her Iranian childhood: dumped over a bowl of potato chips.
On second thought, kids do the smartest things.
Find White Moustache yogurt at Bklyn Larder, Gastronomie 491, Saxelby Cheesemongers, Kalustyan's, Foragers City Grocer Dumbo, Lucy's Whey and Smorgasburg.