Panna's Digital Cooking Magazine Is Like Cooking With A Personal Chef

A new digital magazine lifts recipes off the page

It's happened to all of us.

After clinging to a recipe line by line, we wind up with a dish that looks nothing like the glossy photo.

Panna ($5 for one issue; $24 for a one-year subscription) to the rescue. This new digital magazine marries cookbook with cooking show, offering step-by-step written and video instructions from the horse's mouth: the chefs.


Recipes from Jonathan Waxman, Nancy Silverton, Rick Bayless and Anita Lo are accompanied by videos of the chefs making the dish in their homes. For further clarity, the recipes are broken up into steps, both in words and on the screen.

The brilliant organization means that an aspiring cook never has to worry about pressing pause or losing place in the recipe. The recipe, and the chef, will wait for you to catch up.

The degree of hand-holding that Panna offers isn't for everyone. Weathered cooks might find it tedious, especially when most of the videos occur in a semblance of real time, rather than the heavily edited, superfast versions of cooking recipes that appear on food TV.

But for those looking to beef up their basics, Panna is a culinary lighthouse.


