Weekend Getaway In Rehoboth Beach

A food lover's weekend in Rehoboth Beach

Sure, the beach is most popular on scorching summer days.

But that's precisely why we hit the coast after Labor Day. Right now, Rehoboth is perfect: still warm, but free of heavy traffic and meandering crowds (click here for our itinerary).


Start the day with a picnic. Pack a basketful of foods from a new gourmet market, or grab fried clams from a new restaurant serving lobster rolls that conjure thoughts of Maine (and next summer's Lobster Roll Rumble).

In the afternoon, dodge high-season lines and pick up scoops of what could be the best ice cream in history–at least according to Dolley Madison and Ben Franklin.

For dinner, try a buzzy new restaurant that's sourcing all of its ingredients locally, for innovative main courses prepared in the chef's distinctive Mid-Atlantic style.

The beach never felt so relaxing.

