Summer Peach Pie With Mascarpone

Summer is a shifting concept in Southern California. 

The most recent solstice hit in the midst of June gloom, and our May temperatures bring to mind August in many other American cities.

So rather than marking the seasonal change by the  stars, we look to the farmers' markets: When the peaches arrive, summer, for all intents and purposes, is here.

Eating a peach over the sink is one of the season's greatest pleasures, which is closely followed by a slice of homemade peach pie. Evan Kleiman, who will commence her fourth year of the Pie a Day project on July 5, knows a thing or two about America's favorite dessert. And she's shared with us an ingenious recipe for peach pie that pairs the stone fruit with its good Italian friend, mascarpone. This crunchy, custardy treat is finished with a layer of crumbled amaretti cookies (pictured; click here for the recipe).

Kleiman's preferred peaches–the freestone varieties grown by Tenerelli Orchards and sold at the Wednesday Santa Monica Farmers' Market–are still a few weeks away. But don't let that stop you from baking this pie tonight. Trust us: You won't mind returning to this recipe.