Asian Tofu Dismisses The Drab Associations

Tofu is an intimidating subject for many, though as far as we're concerned, for reasons that are unfair and unsubstantiated.

But, happily, one of our favorite authors, Andrea Nguyen, is providing equal rights for tofu everywhere.

Her new cookbook, Asian Tofu ($30; click here to buy), gives soybeans some much needed love. Punctuated with gorgeous images, the cookbook breaks down everything you need to know about tofu, from making it yourself to the various styles and uses in different cuisines. Goodbye, drab associations. Hello, full-flavored revelation.

In an exclusive video for Tasting Table, we had Nguyen walk us through her genius invention: the tofu tasting bar. She reveals the secrets to several lively condiments from across Asia, including a fermented-tofu-lemongrass sauce (click here to see the recipe), a chile and Sichuan peppercorn mix (click here to see the recipe) and a Korean seasoned soy sauce (click here to see the recipe). We'll be using her idea for casual dinner parties all year long.

For even more tofu-related inspiration, buy the book and start making Nguyen's reliable and delicious recipes.

Tofu justice has been served.