Live Feed - Introducing Our New Video Blog!

A soufflé that rises. A roux that yields a velvety sauce. A mayonnaise that doesn't break.

These are just a few of the kitchen triumphs that can come with a bit of knowledge and practice. And the feeling that results from mastering these fundamentals will almost certainly lead you to high-five anyone–and everyone–nearby.

To that end, we've given ourselves over to higher learning for the month of March with our Edible Classroom monthly edition, in which lessons, tips, tricks and techniques for all things delicious will star.

Join us by exploring our new blog, Live Feed, where we'll be documenting an extra helping of Tasting Table goings-ons. To start, we will be posting kitchen tips from every member of the Tasting Table team during the next month (see our first three tips here). You'll also find extra recipes, behind-the-scenes chats with tastemakers and more on Live Feed.

And for the rest of March, look to your in-box for tutorials from a pizza-dough master, an awesome idea for a dinner party and the five essential bottles to keep in your bar.

School is now in session.