Playful Chocolates From Sea + Cane Sweets

Playful chocolates from Sea + Cane Sweets

Log-shaped, wrapped in butcher paper and tied with twine, Sea + Cane Sweets' chocolate salami is a convincing body double for sausage.

Coat it with a dusting of powdered sugar to mimic sausage's mold bloom, and slice. Inside, hazelnuts and shards of toasted almond biscotti stand in for speckles of fat: This chocolate's costume is convincing.


The Chicago-based confection company, run by two sisters who grew up in the suburbs, launched late last month. The chocolate ($10) is inspired by the salame al cioccolato popular in Italy–but unlike the Italian version, Sea + Cane omits eggs, instead forming the rich log out of dense, fudgy bittersweet-chocolate ganache.

The trompe l'oeil doesn't stop there: The company's new sweet is a four-inch wheel of "blue cheese" ($10). The disk-shaped truffle is made of white chocolate, softened with cream and blended with lemon zest and dried blueberries to match the crumbly, grainy texture of the cheese.

The sweets are only available online, for now. Order a "meat and cheese" gift box ($25), and the salami and cheese come with "crackers": sweet butter cookies dressed up–with a golden hue and Ritz-like holes–for the occasion.


