Tender Greens' Whole-Animal Roast Series | Hollywood, Los Angeles
It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and your friends have invited you over for a barbecue.
They've been roasting a whole lamb for hours, and the tender meat is served with side dishes of fava beans and asparagus with green garlic; kegs of seasonal craft beer have been tapped, and brews are being poured freely.
If this sounds like a dream barbecue scenario–a far cry from a few steaks burning on the Weber and some PBR–then head for Tender Greens Hollywood this weekend for the Easter edition of the restaurant's new whole-animal roast series ($35 all-inclusive; call to reserve). The dinner's centerpiece is a pasture-raised lamb from Windrose Farm, with beer provided by Tustin Brewing Company.
Chef-owner Erik Oberholtzer and executive chef Eric Hulme see the dinners, which will continue through early fall, as an extension of the community vibe they strive for in the restaurant. After Easter, The roasts will be held on the third Sunday of every month and strive for the felling of a backyard barbecue put together by friends who happen to be accomplished chefs.
ReRide Ranch is supplying a pig for May's dinner, and rancher Lefty Ayers will also bring some wild Miner's lettuce to serve alongside the pork.
Tender Greens, 6290 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood; 323-382-0380 or tendergreensfood.com