Ross Hutchinson's Bacon Marmalade, Available At Lyceum Market And Greenpoint Food Market

Bacon Marmalade is a great mistake

History is full of fortuitous accidents: penicillin; radium; cheese. All were unintentionally stumbled upon to the subsequent benefit of mankind.

And now another happy accident has entered the vault for posterity: Bacon Marmalade.


Bacon mania has an ongoing hold on our collective consciousness, so we assumed that the creation of this spreadable porky condiment was entirely intentional, the product of years of R&D by some obsessed soul. But Bacon Marmalade was born of much humbler means: Chef Ross Hutchinson happened on it when he burned a batch of bacon and tried to cover up the gaff by adding sugar.

A few tweaks and additional "secret ingredients" later, this botched endeavor emerged as something glorious. Nearly half a pound of bacon makes its way into each four-ounce jar, its smoky flavors coaxed out by concentrated sugars and tangy vinegar and spices.

The marmalade readily awaits your favorite bacon-laden dishes: Spread it on burgers and sandwiches (we're newfound fans of the B.M.L.T.)–or on toast in the morning.


But don't limit yourself to savory uses. Our next project: Bacon Marmalade brownies.

You can find Bacon Marmalade ($9 for 4 ounces) at the Brooklyn Lyceum Spring Market (May 1 and 2) and at the Greenpoint Food Market. Send orders via e-mail to

