13 Bones Coffee Co. Flavors, Ranked Worst To Best

Hailing from Cape Coral, Florida, Bones Coffee Company is doing something different in the world of coffee roasting. Rather than offering just light, medium, or dark roasts, Bones offers a whole array of flavors, some even with a serious caffeine kick. And if you're the type who likes your coffee flavors to change with the seasons, the seasonal varieties may be worth a look.


What first catches the eye, though, are the strikingly designed bags. These vibrant packages are sure to add a splash of color to your kitchen counter. But as any true coffee lover knows, the real magic is in the brew itself. That's why we decided to put Bones Coffee Company to the test, diving deep into those unique flavor offerings.

On our tasting adventure, we sampled a variety of coffees provided by Bones. Typically, we're all about grinding our own beans for that unbeatable fresh flavor, but for this review, we worked with what Bones sent us: pre-ground coffee. While this might have an impact on the freshness of later cups, our focus was on that initial burst of flavor as soon as we opened the bag. Remember, when it comes to trying unique coffees, it's not just about satisfying your caffeine craving. It's about exploring coffee in an entirely new light. Sure, beautifully designed bags are lovely, but the true test is whether the coffee inside can live up to its vibrant packaging.


13. Santa Jack

Crème Brûlée is one of our absolute favorite desserts. If it appears on a menu, you can bet we're saving room for the sweet course, but as a coffee, we certainly feel less confident. The Santa Jack offering from Bones is a cranberry crème brûlée flavor with Jack Skellington in his Santa wear on the bag.


With a flavor that sounds as interesting as this one, we imagine Santa Jack is a coffee determined to redefine the coffee experience. It's a bright mixture that starts with a fruity note, quickly followed by an intense sweetness reminiscent of cranberry and crème brûlée. The cranberry element is subtle, mostly emerging in the aftertaste, while the caramelized notes of the crème brûlée add a unique depth. The aroma is lively and heavily flavored, setting the stage for a coffee that's anything but traditional. It's a choice for those who enjoy a coffee that's daringly different and unapologetically flavored. As promising as this one felt at first, this isn't a flavor we prefer, despite being so unique and based on an incredible dessert.


12. Electric Unicorn

The medium roast Electric Unicorn coffee has one stunning design. It features a unicorn with laser eyes and a skeleton riding, hurling lightning bolts with a rainbow in the background. It's an overwhelming design because it's an overwhelming flavor. Our Lisa Frank-loving hearts wanted to love this one so much more than we did.


Electric Unicorn is just as whimsical (and even odd) as its name and design suggest. Somehow, this coffee tastes every bit the Fruit Loops or Fruity Pebbles we never thought it could achieve. While the cereal and fruitiness in the scent are somewhat subdued, the flavor is accurate and absolutely front and center. It's a coffee that stands out for its novelty, offering a distinct, even memorable tasting experience. We love this one as an option for those who appreciate a dose of nostalgia, or are looking for a coffee to accent a fruity breakfast. Unfortunately, though, it isn't for us. We were impressed by how similar it tasted, but we like our coffee to taste, well, like coffee, not cereal.

11. The Pumpkin King

Each year, as PSL season comes around, pumpkin everything appears in stores. Bones Coffee Company offers its own pumpkin coffee flavor in The Pumpkin King. Named for Jack Skellington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas", the character prominently features on the package's design. Bones' flavor breaks away from pumpkin spice as pumpkin pecan praline.


When pouring this one we were totally expecting something of a pumpkin flavor, but unfortunately met more notes of bitterness. The pumpkin flavor isn't very pronounced, and the praline aspect slightly out of place. Despite its delightful aroma, the coffee's flavor profile doesn't fully deliver on what you get through a good whiff. While this doesn't fall in line with our fall favorite flavors, it's a coffee that might be best enjoyed by those looking for a subtle nod to fall flavors rather than a full immersion.

10. Mudslide Boogie

To balance the scales and ensure that there's representation from the villainous side, Mudslide Boogie is a flavor named for Oogie Boogie, a "Nightmare Before Christmas" character made from a sack of bugs terrorizing Halloween Town. Though the flavor here is far from bug-like, it is certainly still interesting.


Mudslide Boogie boldly claims to incorporate the tastes of a mudslide cocktail, complete with Irish cream, coffee liqueur, and even vodka. Surprisingly, the flavor certainly delivers on its alcohol-tasting promise. A strong whiff reveals an incredible and even inviting scent, yet the taste, with its alcohol-like undertones, is somewhat perplexing for a morning coffee. This coffee is a potential hit for those who love a luscious mudslide cocktail. However, its unique taste might be better suited as a novel choice for coffee-based cocktails rather than a daily go-to. The pairing between Oogie Boogie and mudslide flavors is just not a pairing we would have placed together, and we wonder if different theming may have worked better.


9. Army of Dark Chocolate

Army of Dark Chocolate presents a bold journey into the depths of dark flavors. It dives headfirst into both dark roast coffee and dark chocolate flavoring. The design on the front is of an evil skeleton figure named Lord DeCaff holding a chainsaw, with a scantily clad woman holding his leg at the side.


On first brush, its aroma surprisingly doesn't overwhelm with darkness, but we did get this very strong chocolate scent. True to its name, the taste is a deep dive into dark chocolate territory. It's a bit of a bitter adventure, something closer to the experience of savoring high-cocoa content chocolate. This coffee is a perfect match for those who enjoy the robust, unadulterated flavors of dark chocolate, though it might not hit the sweet spot for enthusiasts of the lighter, creamier milk chocolate. A sophisticated choice for the dark chocolate connoisseur, yes, but to us, it's really just too dark all around, even if we enjoy its chocolate scent.

8. Holy Cannoli

Holy Cannoli takes us on an unexpected turn in the wide world of coffee flavors. We were expecting to enjoy something of the sweetness we know from cannoli, but the drink has more of a creamy smoothness, a real departure from coffee with a medium roast profile. We find the aroma mild, yet the flavor a little odd, with hints of creamy finish and a touch of berry, almost as if the berries are a hidden surprise in a cannoli filling. While it doesn't rank as the top favorite, Holy Cannoli's unique blend of flavors makes it a fascinating experience, especially for those who enjoy a coffee that leaves them guessing.


More than the flavor, the design on this one is so intriguing. It's the perfect one for "Godfather" lovers with a graphic of a skeletal Godfather character smoking a cannoli. Bones Coffee Company says this is a coffee we can't refuse, referencing the familiar line from the movies, but to us this seems to be a little on the confusing side.

7. Salty Siren

Bones Coffee Company designs Salty Siren to be something of a siren call with caramel, chocolate, and sea salt. The design on the bag complements this approach with a siren wrapped around the body of a sailor skeleton with his ship sinking in the background.


This heavily flavored coffee definitely offers a toasty caramel flavor and a hint of sea salt, and has something of a slightly burnt taste that reminds us of a dark mocha flavor. It also mellows significantly with a bit of ice melt, revealing a more rounded and pleasing flavor profile, perfect for people who let their drinks sit for a bit unfinished. The aroma is strong right from the bag, suggesting a rich experience ahead. Although the taste is sweet, it's not overwhelmingly so, making it a well-balanced choice for those who appreciate a flavorful journey in their coffee cup.

6. Highland Grog

Whenever we visit a coffee shop that offers a Highlander Grog brew, we always give it a try. This flavor of coffee has a blend of sweetness and a muddling of flavors that seem to work out. Bones Coffee Company specifically calls out butterscotch and caramel with a skeleton all decked out in a kilt and bagpipes.


Bones' Highlander Grog is definitely for people who prefer a sweet coffee. Highland Grog is a delightful indulgence for the sweet-toothed coffee lover. Its boldly sweet character makes it a dream come true for those who typically lean towards sweeter coffee choices. The aroma is a captivating blend of various flavors, creating a thick and enticing bouquet that speaks of its rich complexity. This coffee might challenge the traditional coffee aficionado with its intense flavor medley, but it's in this very fusion that its charm lies. Highland Grog masterfully melds its flavors into a harmonious symphony, resulting in a strong and enjoyable taste that stands out in the crowd.

5. S'morey Time

In an attempt to capture the feel of gathering around a campfire roasting s'mores and marshmallows, Bones offers S'Morey Time, a coffee we've found to be a delightful tribute to this favorite summertime activity. This coffee has an authentic taste of its promised flavor, which is something of a rare feat when it comes to flavored coffees, in or outside the roastery.


In terms of aroma, we immediately sense that chocolaty scent that adds to a tasty cup of joe. This coffee is also rather versatile, and we think it would do well as a refreshing iced coffee in summer, or as a novel addition to an Irish coffee for cozy evenings around the campfire. It'll make an ideal pairing, and we would recommend this to those who love a coffee that mixes a heavy flavor hand as well as a heavy coffee feel. It's rather balanced in that way.

4. Frog's Breath

In addition to interestingly designed packaging, Bones Coffee Company also creates some interesting — even bizarre — names. Take Frog's Breath, for example. This one is named for an ingredient Sally includes in her nightshade in "The Nightmare Before Christmas".


The brew you'll enjoy in your coffee cup is a unique twist on traditional chocolate-flavored coffees. It stands out with a smooth, yet slightly spicy chocolate note, which we actually find reminiscent of a rich Mexican hot chocolate. This coffee balances the boldness of deep coffee flavors with more subtle chocolate flavors and also a hint of spice, which makes sense given that it is supposed to emulate a mole sauce. Those spices accentuate the coffee's natural depth without overpowering it, creating a harmonious and enjoyable experience. While we do get some heat, it's certainly not overpowering. It's a top pick for those who appreciate a complex flavor profile and an adventurous approach to coffee.


3. Ruff Weather

Definitely our favorite of the "Nightmare Before Christmas" coffees, Ruff Weather wins out. This flavor is a heartwarming ode to the classic oatmeal cream pie, a personal favorite pantry item for many, including us.


This coffee has a pleasant aroma, but it really shines in terms of flavor. It's smooth and well-rounded, seamlessly integrating a perfect coffee base with a subtle sweetness that even has some of that creaminess in it. The addition of sweetened condensed milk elevates it even more, creating a comforting cup. Coffee lovers who enjoy a little bit of sugar will appreciate the light touch without feeling like the coffee flavor gets lost or overshadowed. It's impossible to capture the softness of an oatmeal cream pie in coffee, but the comforting feel gets close. Plus, it features Zero on the packaging, a favorite Tim Burton character from "The Nightmare Before Christmas".

2. From Dusk Till Donuts

From Dusk Till Donuts features a vampiric skeleton with its fangs red from a juicy jelly donut on its packaging. Before sipping this one, we were skeptical. We love coffee and donuts together, but a coffee flavored like a donut had us raising an eyebrow. However, our first sip dispelled all doubts.


This flavor elegantly combines sugary and fruity notes, creating a balanced and tempting flavor profile and even scent. It manages to capture the essence of a jelly donut without overwhelming the palate. This is an impressive accomplishment considering just how big of a flavor you get from donuts. This coffee is an excellent choice for those who enjoy a sweet twist to their coffee, particularly in an iced form, just the way we enjoyed it, too. We imagine making an iced coffee and then slipping a donut over the straw, which would make the perfect accompaniment.

1. High Voltage

High Voltage is the only unflavored coffee we got to try, but it's our absolute favorite. The bonus? It's also incredibly potent and delicious. Plus, the design on the package features a skeleton brewing coffee in a lab, complete with interesting brewing methods and even lightning bolts to represent the strength of the coffee brew.


High Voltage is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to enjoying caffeinated morning brews. Its aroma isn't super notable or striking as it's unflavored, but it does have a nice coffee scent. High Voltage provides a robust and satisfying coffee taste, enhanced by its high caffeine content. This coffee is a perfect pick-me-up, offering double the caffeine kick of a regular cup. It's ideal for those who need an extra boost without compromising on flavor. However, it's important to sip this one mindfully, given its potent caffeine level. You'll want to keep in mind that you get twice the kick in the same amount of coffee, and this is especially important for those coffee drinkers who need to monitor caffeine intake. While it's our favorite, your mileage may vary, so be sure to exercise care.



To fairly assess each variety Bones Coffee Company sent, we stuck to our standard morning coffee routine. However, since Bones sent us pre-ground coffee, we bypassed our usual step of hand-grinding. Nevertheless, we were pleasantly surprised to find that each bag retained a vibrant burst of aroma upon opening, a testament to the freshness of the grounds. Interestingly enough, however, the bags from Bones are not all the same, making resealing a little difficult in some instances.


Our brewing method of choice remained consistent: the AeroPress. For each coffee type, we carefully measured 18 grams of grounds, adding 120 grams of water at 190 degrees Fahrenheit. We allowed the coffee to steep for one minute in the upside-down AeroPress before pressing it through. This method, familiar and precise, was crucial for our evaluation.

To align with our typical coffee experience, we added sweetened condensed milk to each brew. This consistent element allowed us to fairly compare each flavor. It's about replicating the way we normally enjoy our coffee, to give each Bones brew a fair shot. And, of course, we can't forget the ice. We're year-round advocates of iced coffee, believing it to be the best way to enjoy a brew. By preparing each of Bones Coffee Company's varieties in this manner, we ensured a level playing field, making it possible to truly gauge and compare the flavors against what we're used to in our daily coffee ritual.


