The Clever Reason Craft Beers Come In Larger Sizes

As the craft beer movement continues to grow, discerning drinkers are constantly on the lookout for unique, flavorful brews. One noticeable difference between craft beers and their mass-produced counterparts is the size of the bottles or cans they come in. But if you have ever wondered why craft beers often come in larger sizes, then you might be surprised just what this clever tactic is all about.

Size does matter when it comes to making a statement — and the craft beer industry is no exception. The larger packaging of craft beers sends a clear message: these brews are distinctive, bold, and worth savoring. This conscious decision to deviate from the standard sizes of mass-produced beers helps to separate craft beers from the crowd, creating an unmistakable identity, Punch notes.

From a marketing perspective, the larger size of craft beer bottles and cans piques consumer curiosity, drawing attention to these artisanal brews on store shelves. This increased visibility helps to raise awareness of craft beer brands and entices new drinkers to give them a try.

It's about quality over quantity

While ultimately the difference in beer bottle size promotes and differentiates craft beer from the other big breweries, that isn't the only message being sent. The larger size of craft beers also underscores the emphasis on quality over quantity. While mass-produced beers are often designed for casual, high-volume consumption, craft beers are created with care and precision, showcasing the artistry and passion of their makers. These brews are meant to be enjoyed slowly, allowing drinkers to appreciate the complexity of flavors and textures that set craft beers apart from their mainstream counterparts.

By standing out on store shelves and encouraging drinkers to savor their contents, these supersized sips — whether they be 22-ounce bombers or 16-ounce four-packs — have played a significant role in the ongoing success and growth of the craft beer industry. The next time you crack open a large bottle or can of craft beer, take a moment to appreciate the intention that went into not only the brew but the packaging itself.