The Simple Orange Peeling Method You Should Try

While we all wish to elegantly peel an orange in one sleek motion, it's typically a much messier undertaking. The first step of tearing the rind is difficult enough without the impending torrent of juice darting right for the eye. It's not only a disorderly challenge but can be a risky one. Between scraps of the peel, orange pith, and a stickiness that seems unavoidable, it can be easier to take citrus ventures outside or just avoid oranges altogether. 

Citrus lovers have had to make due and sacrifice their comfort until a revelation was introduced: a spoon. With this simple utensil, oranges can be enjoyed mess-free within minutes. One of the most frustrating steps to tearing apart an orange is making that first nick in the rind. Some brave souls will use their teeth, while others neglect the rind entirely and reach for a knife. Thankfully, these less-than-ideal approaches can now be abandoned. After scoring an orange with a small knife, Justin Chapple of Mad Genius Tips guarantees a spoon can work wonders to peel the fruit (via Food & Wine).

Put an end to sticky hands with the help of a spoon

This technique keeps both hands and counters clean. It's so foolproof that it has even been demonstrated while sporting a bright white glove to showcase the lack of orange mess (via YouTube). Demonstrating the trick in a video for Food & Wine, Justin Chapple proves that you'll only need a small knife and a spoon. Without puncturing the orange itself, gently cut the rind all the way around. This part is crucial as scoring the orange will make the following action possible. Next, press the top of the spoon against the blade's track and apply pressure to separate the orange peel from the fruit itself. It should then be easy to glide the spoon underneath the rind and completely detach the peel. This will be done to each side to reveal a perfectly peeled orange. 

If for some reason you don't have a spoon handy, there are a few other options. ForkNPlate opts for a more hands-on experience while Steve Owens slices his oranges in an accordion fashion right on the rind. Regardless of how it's done, anyone in the kitchen can attest that it's the simple tricks that often save the most time.