A person pouring coffee into a mug
Your Coffee Preferences Could Actually Indicate What Wine You Like
Your morning coffee choice can guide your evening wine selection as both beverages share fruit-based origins, influenced by factors like terroir, with overlapping flavor profiles.
People who like sweetened coffee usually prefer sugar-filled wines like a Reisling or even a richer dessert wine.
Meanwhile, espresso lovers tend to be on the opposite end of the spectrum. They'll love red wines rich in tannins and acidity, like an Italian Chianti or Nebbiolo.
Someone who enjoys filter coffees with citrusy notes like those sourced from Ethiopia may enjoy a white wine with a tangy palate like a Chablis or a Sauvignon Blanc.
Those who favor a more traditional roasted, black coffee palate may enjoy sipping on a bold and lively Cabernet Sauvignon.
Fans of carbonated drinks may like sparkling wine, and those into offbeat fermentation might like the crossover between naturally processed coffees and natural wines.