Processed canned food, long shelf life vegetables and fish. vertically.
Food - Drink
You Have To Stop Believing The Salty Canned Food Myth
You might believe that canned foods are loaded with sodium in order to better preserve the contents of the can or jar and keep them shelf-stable, but this idea is actually a myth.
In truth, properly following the canning process is all that is needed to thoroughly preserve foods, and adding salt is not an inherent or necessary part of this process.
The high temperatures used to sanitize jars or cans of food destroy bacteria, and the airtight seal prevents new germs from entering. Salt is usually added as a mere flavoring.
The high salt content of most mass-produced canned foods likely contributed to this myth. Today, many preserved food manufacturers offer low-, reduced-, and no-sodium options.
To get rid of excess sodium, draining and rinsing canned produce is a must, even for low-sodium cans. Rinsing the produce in a strainer can reduce up to 41% of sodium per serving.