Sweet potato on a brown background
You Can Utilize The Skins From Sweet Potatoes To Make Vegan Bacon
Sweet potato skins are often discarded, but they have plenty of fiber and sugar that helps them caramelize deliciously when cooked, turning them crispy and chewy.
When cut into strips, the appearance and texture of the skin closely mimics bacon. All you need is a few seasonings to transform their flavor into something more bacon-like.
Peel a sweet potato by removing the skin in long, continuous vertical strips. If you plan ahead, you can use the peelings from another recipe that requires sweet potato flesh.
Place the skin strips on a baking sheet and brush with coconut aminos, which adds a savory flavor with some sweetness, and liquid smoke, which adds a flavor similar to smoked meat.
Roast in the oven at 400 degrees F for 25 minutes, or until crispy. Seasoning helps sell the illusion, as does serving the "bacon" with eggs, pancakes, and other breakfast treats.