Many red onions, with onion peels on white background
Food - Drink
Why You Shouldn't Throw Away Onion Peels
Onion peels are often discarded without a second thought, but to save on money and food waste while getting every last bit of flavor out of your onions, you shouldn't toss their skins in the trash. Onion peels are not only great to use from an environmental and financial standpoint, but they can also be made in something truly delicious.
Onion skins can work wonders when used to infuse stocks and soups, imparting an insane degree of savory umami flavor. Since the skins don’t disintegrate into liquids, you can easily remove them once your dish is done, and remember to discard or clean any dirt-dusted layers of peels before using them in your recipes.
You can even save the leftover skins after steeping them in stock and use them to make an "onion-less" onion powder. Draw excess moisture out of the peels by baking them in a dehydrator or low and slow in the oven, then pulverize in a food processor to create a powder to season meat, vegetables, and more.