Brown toast popping out of chrome electric toaster
Food - Drink
Why You Should Toss Your Burnt Toast In The Freezer
As straightforward as it may seem, there are many things that could go wrong when making toast, and working with a type of bread you're not used to, making your toaster too hot, or losing track of time can all result in burnt toast. If you make this mistake often, try using your freezer to save your toast from the brink of burning.
Rather than checking to see if your toast is burning let your nose be your guide: if you smell the slightest hint of a burnt aroma, pull your bread out of the toaster and quickly stick it in the freezer. Even if your toast is already a bit too brown, the freezer instantly stops it from cooking, much like plunging boiled veggies into an ice bath.
This technique can even be applied to other foods you might be toasting, such as nuts, cookies, or pie shells. Once the toasted bread has cooled for a few minutes, simply remove it from the freezer and continue with your meal, but if it's too burnt, a food processor can turn it into a smoky powder for garnishing soups or adding to rubs.