PORTLAND, ME - SEPTEMBER 22: Dine out review at The Corner Room. Salumi plate. (Photo by Derek Davis/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images)
Food - Drink
Why You Should Stop Overlooking Coppa At The Butcher Shop
When arriving at the butcher store, most people have an idea of what they're going to purchase, whether it be a ribeye steak, pork chop, or tenderloin, but there are other cuts besides the usual suspects that are delicious, underrated, and worth a closer look. One cut of pork that should not be passed up at the butcher's is coppa.
Ngo Your Meal says that the word "coppa" is derived from the Italian words "capo" or "collo," which translate to head and neck, respectively. The coppa is a well-marbled, juicy, and flavorful cut from the pork collar that is often made into charcuterie similar to prosciutto, but can also be bought fresh and grilled, braised, or smoked.
However, coppa's positive characteristics are also what makes this cut of meat difficult to obtain. There are only two cuts of coppa for every pig, and coppa is fairly expensive when compared to other pieces of meat; if you're lucky enough to purchase some, it pairs well with seasonings such as bay leaves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves.