Food - Drink
What You Should Consider Before Buying A Cast-Iron Skillet
Cast-iron skillets are heavier than regular stainless steel pans. These bad boys are capital-H Heavy, weighing in at up to 12 pounds for the more prominent 15-inch skillets.
Slow Heating
The skillet's heat conductivity pales to similar pans made from aluminum and copper, thus taking longer to heat it. Morgan Bolling of Cook's Country Magazine recommends putting the skillet in a cold oven and heating the oven to 450 F.
Large Stoves
Cast iron skillets work better on large stove burners than on small burners. Because iron is a poor heat conductor, the heat from the burner will not spread quickly to the edges of the pan, making the center of the skillet hotter.
Acidic Foods
Cooking acidic foods like tomatoes, citrus, and cooking wines for an extended period can eat away at your pan's seasoning. America's Test Kitchen also notes it can also loosen metal molecules, causing them to be released into your food.
Cast iron skillets need to be re-seasoned, creating a nonstick cooking surface with oils and fats. If you do not frequently use your cast iron, or if over time you notice trouble with food sticking to the pan or see its black coating wear off, you may need to season it again.