Fresh creamy black coffee in black cup with saucer on white.
Food - Drink
What Makes Ristretto Coffee Unique
There are many different ways to enjoy an espresso, including in a cappuccino or latte, or by simply adding extras like oat milk right into your cup. If you want to take matters into your own hands for a more unique drink, you can fiddle with the espresso formula itself by making ristretto, espresso's shorter, sweeter cousin.
Ristretto has Italian roots and means "shortened" or "narrow," and typically uses a finer grind and about half as much water as espresso. A ristretto shot usually takes about 15 seconds to brew and comes in at roughly ½ an ounce total, with slightly less caffeine (roughly 55 milligrams) compared to a 1-ounce espresso shot.
When brewing a shot of ristretto, you're only getting the first portion of a full espresso shot, which changes the flavors that are extracted in the brewing process. The result is a full-bodied, sweeter, less-bitter brew than traditional espresso that also works well in other drinks, and Starbucks even uses it in their famous flat white.