Soursop on the tree
Food - Drink
What Exactly Is Soursop And What Does It Taste Like?
Soursop is a tropical fruit that grows in Southeast Asia, South America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Islands. Despite its name and spiky exterior, the flesh is creamy and sweet.
It’s believed that soursop first originated in Central America hundreds of years ago, and was later transported around the world by Spanish conquistadors.
Despite its name, the heart-shaped fruit isn’t actually sour, but rather sweet and tangy with notes of banana, pineapple, coconut, mango, and strawberry.
However, the flesh is dotted with toxic seeds, making it hard to eat as is. Instead, the ripe fruit is scooped out, cleaned of seeds, and pureed before using in drinks and desserts.
When unripe, the fruit can be used as a vegetable and it is commonly added to salads in Indonesia, chicken soup in the Philippines, and fried, boiled, or roasted in Brazil.
Although the fruit goes by many names and comes in many varieties, all soursop is classified as Annona muricate L and is high in vitamin C, magnesium, and antioxidants.
Some studies have warned of negative interactions of soursop with some medications, and that too much of the fruit may trigger Parkinson’s-like symptoms, so enjoy it in moderation.
In the States, you can find soursop at organic markets or online. Buy unblemished, dark green fruits, and store any leftovers in the fridge for two days or freezer for six months.