We Sorely Miss These Discontinued Starbucks Drink Syrups
Customers added Starbucks' popular raspberry syrup to everything from iced chai tea lattes to mocha Frappuccinos, but the chain discontinued it in 2023.
A spokesperson told Today.com that Starbucks wanted to "make room for new innovations, like developing new syrup flavors." Many customers mourned the loss.
While some found its "sangria" title misleading, this syrup from the mid-2010s shone in the right drinks. Unfortunately, it’s been discontinued and may never come back.
Starbucks discontinued its mango syrup in 2017, despite the flavor’s popularity. There was even a Change.org petition to bring it back in 2018, but to no avail.
Starbucks' old almond syrup is still being mourned by customers over a decade later. It was discontinued in 2008, and today, fans often use Torani's almond syrup instead.
This syrup was discontinued in 2020, and baristas have heard no news of its return. However, you can still get a butterscotch latte with caramel and toffee nut syrups.