A bowl of tomato soup with garnish
Use The Oven To Roast Tomato Soup For A Delectable Cold-Weather Meal
As the weather cools down, tomato soup is a reliably cozy meal, and roasting your tomatoes concentrates the sugars and adds toasted caramelized aromas for a complex flavor.
In fact, roasting enhances late-season tomatoes. Unlike in a pot, the oven's soft heat evaporates some of the tomatoes' moisture while avoiding burning their sugars.
The resulting tomatoes are jammy and brimming with a rich taste that won't be diluted by your stock or other ingredients. Roasting all your vegetables can improve their flavor.
A surefire tomato soup recipe involves roasting tomatoes, onions, and garlic at 400 F and then blending the mixture with fresh basil, vegetable stock, and cream.
Roasting the onions and garlic adds additional sweetness to balance the acidity, as well as caramelized umami flavors.