Two bowls of soup topped with avocado, sour cream and fresh herbs
The Uncommon Squash That Works Well In Almost Any Soup
Already popular in Latin America and Asia, chayote squash has gained attention in the United States. Its mild, crisp flavor works perfectly in almost any squash soup recipe.
Chayote, also called vegetable pear, chocho, and mirliton, is a bright green, pear-shaped squash. Most varieties are smooth-skinned, though some have small thorns.
While virtually the entire fruit is edible, chayote emits skin-irritating sap as you peel it. Although not dangerous, you can rub oil on your hands to deter the water-based sap.
Raw chayote has a fresh, crunchy bite with a mild flavor, similar to cucumbers. The vegetable’s secret superpower is that it absorbs flavors easily, making it great for soups.
Add the squash to hearty soups like Filipino chicken tinola or make it into a smooth pureed soup a la butternut squash soup. Chayote is available at many Asian or Latin markets.
Chayote is also excellent in salads, ratatouille, and even desserts like a cinnamon chayote pie. It offers lots of calcium, vitamins B9 and C, manganese, and antioxidants.